The Rev. Kevin Fisher, rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in West Brighton, is leading the charge on Staten Island for gun control, specifically a ban on assault rifles such as the one used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders.
“We call upon our elected officials to institute an immediate ban on assault rifles in this country with no grandfathering,” the Rev. Fisher said a gun control plan for his church that he e-mailed to the Advance.
Annually, about 12,000 Americans are killed by guns, he said, calling upon the vestry of his parish to establish a Center Against Gun Violence.
The center will work in collaboration with the Brady Campaign, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the Million Mom March, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence and the New York Police Department, he said, to promote political change on gun control issues, education in schools and for the general public, oppose violence in the entertainment industry and encourage the voluntary surrender of weapons to authorities.
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