With news that the UK’s Scout Association is considering creating a version of their promise that does not mention God, one Anglican priest has accused them of becoming “a tree-hugging values based atheist coven.” In making his attack, however, there is revealed a deeper prejudice about atheists that cannot go unchallenged.
First to the news that prompted this vitriol. The Scouts announced they have opened a consultation on creating a Scout Promise sans the mention of God. This comes after a concerted grassroots effort from secular organizations after a number of kids said they felt they were precluded from joining because they don’t have a religion.
Reports Sky News:
Wayne Bulpitt, the association’s chief commissioner in the UK, said: “We are a values-based movement and exploring faith and religion will remain a key element of the Scouting programme. That will not change.
“However, throughout our 105-year history, we have continued to evolve so that we remain relevant to communities across the UK.
The standard scout promise reads: “On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law.”
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