It was erroneously reported in the Register-Star for Thursday, June 6, that Christ Church Episcopal “will be able to recognize same-sex marriage.” This is emphatically not the case.
This misunderstanding arose out of the DEPO status recently granted to Christ Church by Bishop of Albany William H. Love. DEPO, or Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight, means that Christ Church will now receive pastoral oversight from a Visiting Bishop, in this case, Bishop Skip Adams of the Diocese of Central New York.
However, as the article correctly pointed out, Christ Church remains in the Albany Diocese and under the authority of Bishop Love. Therefore Christ Church is still bound by the official Canons (laws) and policies of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany and of Bishop Love, which prohibit any blessing of same-sex unions or marriages and prohibit the participation of any of its clergy in such rites.
The Episcopal Church as a whole has authorized a liturgical rite for same-sex marriage (or the blessing of a same-sex union), and this rite is being used in many dioceses, but the Church recognizes the authority of each Bishop and Diocese to set its own policy.
By granting DEPO status, Bishop Love is making provision that Christ Church will benefit from the spiritual nurture, support, and access to resources of a bishop more in accordance with its own theology, which differs substantially from that of the Diocese of Albany. On Bishop Love’s part, this is an act of pastoral concern for the well-being of Christ Church, a parish that continues in his care and under his authority.
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