Violent aggression by Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists, including those sympathetic to al-Qaeda, continues to be directed at one of the world's oldest Christian communities, following the military's break up last week of Brotherhood sit-ins. The Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party has been inciting the anti-Christian pogroms on its web and Facebook pages.
One such page, posted on August 14, lists a bill of particulars against the Christian Coptic minority, blaming it, and only it, for the military's crackdown against the Brotherhood, alleging that the Church has declared a "war against Islam and Muslims." It concludes with the threat, "For every action there is a reaction." This builds on statements in the article "The Military Republic of [Coptic Pope] Tawadros," carried on the MB website in July, about the Coptic Church wanting to "humiliate" Muslims and eradicate Islam.
The litany of attacks is long: St. George Church, St. Mary's Church, Good Shepherd's Church, the Pentecostal Church, in Minya; St. Therese Church, Church of the Reformation, Church of the Apostle, Holy Revival Church, St. John's Church, in Assiut; Church of the Virgin Mary in Cairo, St. Damiana Church, the Evangelical Church, and Joseph's Church, in Fayoum; Church of the Archangel Michael, St. Saviors Anglican Church, the Greek Orthodox and Franciscan churches, in Suez; Fr. Maximus Church and St. George's Church, in Alexandria. . .
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