Of all the metaphorical images of God and Jesus – master of the house, carpenter, teacher, winemaker — Bernadine Craft’s favorite is shepherd.
Her grandfather, who died before she was born, ran sheep in the Wind River Mountains. Craft grew up hearing stories of his adventures.
A painting created by Craft’s aunt hung in her childhood home in Rock Springs. It’s of Jesus leaning over a rocky ledge, grabbing a lost lamb. Craft now owns that house and still has that painting.
“From the time I was a little girl, that somehow symbolized to me God, and symbolized Christ,” she said. “That love of the shepherd for his sheep. And I would hear the stories about the sheep herders that would go up and look for that one lost lamb, that one stray little sheep.”
The role of shepherding the flock has taken on new meaning for Craft, a Democratic state senator who is studying to become a priest in the Episcopal Church. On Aug. 20, she will be ordained as a transitional deacon at her Rock Springs parish, Church of The Holy Communion. She will be a deacon for at least six months before ordination as a priest.
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