Remember when you were little and did something really bad? Whacked a soaring boundary through your next-door-neighbour’s greenhouse, or borrowed your big sister’s best dress without asking and spilt Ribena down it?
If not, congratulations. Your name is obviously Fotherington-Thomas, the preternaturally saintly schoolboy cherub of Willans and Searle’s immortal Molesworth books, who greets Nigel Molesworth’s cruel classroom taunts with a gentle riposte of: “I forgive you Molesworth for those uncouth words.” Either that or you have no conscience at all, like Mr ------ and various other public figures whom the Telegraph’s libel lawyers unfortunately forbid me to mention.
You know that feeling of a stone resting on your heart, when you are waiting to be found out? Turns out that it is more than the oppression of a fevered imagination. The experiments of Prof Ramona Bobocel, of the University of Waterloo in Canada, and her Princeton colleague, Martin Day, have shown that the mental strain of a guilty conscience translates into a physical sensation of carrying a burden.
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