The congregation brought together more than 500 people from across the Church of Ireland and wider Irish society, including the Bishop Storey’s father and brother, husband, daughter and son–in–law and many close friends and family members.
The Old Testament reading was given by the Rev Earl Storey, Bishop Storey’s husband; the Epistle was led by Mrs Deirdre Amor, a vestry member from St Augustine’s Parish, Derry where the new bishop was Rector from 2004 to 2013, and the Gospel proclaimed by the Rev Trevor Holmes, a deacon in County Meath.
In his sermon, the Rev Nigel Parker focused on the theme ‘Consecrate yourself to the Lord’ based on John 21. 1–17, saying that the application of consecration was ‘showing our love for Him who first loved us; placing ourselves entirely at His disposal; and declaring, “Whatever it takes!”’ In commending Pat to all present he said: ‘It has been our privilege over the years to see you respond to our Father’s love with love, trust and obedience. You have given yourself whole–heartedly to Him and His Church … teaching the Scriptures and pastoring with that disarming directness, which is your hallmark – a directness, which speaks the truth in love, with a ready laugh and delightful sense of humour.’
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