Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ugandan lawmakers promise to revive their anti-gay law, just days after the country’s constitutional court struck it down

From The Washington Post-

Just days after the country's constitutional court struck it down, some Ugandan lawmakers and religious leaders are pushing to revive the country's controversial law that criminalized homosexuality with a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Because the court invalidated the law on what its supporters are calling a "technicality" (it was passed in Parliament without a quorum), its backers want to pass the same law again, as quickly as possible.

The country's top Anglican leader agrees that the law should be reinstated. On Monday, Anglican Archbishop Stanley Ntagali said the law was needed to "protect" Ugandans.

1 comment:

Leonard said...

Protect LGBTI Ugandans and the rest of the Anglican Communion from the fear-tainted and hate-filled ignorance of those who outcast, damn and kill in the name of a pridefilled, greedy, and despicable God that I have never known. Lord hear my prayer, Leonard Clark