Executive Council's Finances for Mission Committee began work in the fall of 2012 on the draft budget for the 2016-18 triennium that Council will propose to the Program, Budget, & Finance Committee (PB&F) for the 78th General Convention. This preliminary draft budget represents the results of our thinking so far, and not a final proposal. This proposal is being released to the public so that Council can hear your comments, questions, and other input on it before we finalize our proposal in January 2015, and present it to PB&F. We do welcome your feedback on the survey instrument found at:
Council's budget process has included wide input from many people across the church. We asked each Committee, Commission, Agency, and Board (CCAB) of the church to undergo a visioning process and create budget priorities for its area of ministry. The Joint Standing Committees of Executive Council then reviewed the input of the CCABs and created priorities for their areas of ministry. Finances for Mission, working closely with the officers of The Episcopal Church (the Presiding Bishop, President of the House of Deputies, Chief Operating Officer, and Executive Officer of General Convention), then consolidated all the visionary input into a visionary budget draft.
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