Vandals chose Easter to deface most — if not all — of the six churches in Incline Village, church leaders of the Northern Nevada town said Sunday.
Attendees of Incline Village Foursqure Church arrived for services to see “Jesus is a lie” and upside-down crosses spray-painted on the building’s walls, said John and Ruby Cole, co-pastors of the congregation.
“I believe it was every church,” said a representative of Cornerstone Community Church.
Before being called, police showed up at Foursquare Church about 10:15 a.m., John Cole, 68, said. It was the fourth church the officer had been to, and he said the other three also had been vandalized.
While John Cole was filing a report outside, the church’s worship leader asked the congregation to pray and ask that “God would bless these people and forgive them for what they have done,” Ruby Cole said, adding that they also hoped the vandals would have a “change of heart.”
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