Heather Elizabeth Cook, the Episcopal bishop accused of driving under the influ
Neatly dressed in a black pantsuit, white blouse and silver brooch, Cook sat solemnly beside her attorney, David Irwin, during a hearing that lasted under five minutes.
ence and killing a local bicyclist in December, made her first public appearance since the accident, accepting a trial date of June 4 during an arraignment Thursday in Baltimore Circuit Court.
Circuit Judge Michael A. DiPietro did not ask her to speak during the proceedings, and Cook made no public comment afterward before leaving in a white sedan driven by a friend as cameras clicked.
By accepting the court date, Cook entered a plea of not guilty on all 13 charges against her, Irwin said. He declined to say whether her legal team would seek a plea deal and noted that during the trial she could enter a different plea to individual charges.
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