The shape, scope and structure of the Episcopal Church’s pledge to address racism, practice reconciliation and become a church of evangelists has begun to be built, the Executive Council learned at its Feb. 26-28 meeting. And the council put some important pieces of that work into place.
In doing so, council began living into a call to action sounded at General Convention last summer. During the meeting, council members “focused greatly on fleshing out how we as a churchwide community will engage the work of evangelism and racial reconciliation,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said during a post-meeting news conference, adding that council joyfully embraced that work.
The General Convention in July adopted a 2016-2018 triennial budget that included $3 million for starting new congregations with an emphasis on assisting populations, including Hispanic communities, $2.8 million for evangelism work and a major new $2 million initiative on racial justice and reconciliation.
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