It’s not your typical career path.
When Bruce Myers is ordained to the Order of Bishops Thursday evening — a consecration that will also put him in line to become the next Anglican Bishop of Quebec — he’ll surely reflect on the road travelled and, perhaps, his beginnings as a broadcast journalist.
Because that’s where it all started: Myers was a prominent voice on Montreal’s CJAD news talk radio in the 1990s and served as both Ottawa and Quebec City bureau chief, covering the often harsh world of politics.
It was during his time in Quebec City that Myers, 43, said he reconnected with the Anglican Church. The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, a beautiful Georgian cathedral founded in 1804, was a two-minute walk from where he lived.
“It’s with mostly excitement and joy that I’m heading into this, but I think with just the right dose of fear and trembling,” Myers told the Montreal Gazette. “To use a parallel from the life of the National Assembly, it’s like when there’s a change of government.”
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