“The child of God in me sees the child of God in you. And that goes across whoever you voted for.”
In the wake of the most divisive presidential election in memory, perhaps only a person of the cloth could spot the divine. But the Rev. Karen Coleman, BU’s newly appointed Episcopal chaplain, starts her new post with hopes of helping the campus deal with any lingering fallout from the radioactive political season.
“How do we heal after what we just went through in the election year?” asks Coleman, who took the half-time chaplaincy last month, succeeding the Rev. Cameron Partridge. The question arose for her, she says, when she noticed people unfriending their Trump-supporting Facebook friends.
“I didn’t unfriend all my Republican friends.…I stayed friends with them, because I really wanted to know what they were thinking,” Coleman says. “I really wanted to hear from other people who didn’t think, for a variety of reasons, the way I did.” She did unfriend one person, she says, who “posted something that was LGBTQI bashing.…I’m an African American. I am well aware of people in my community who are not LGBTQI-friendly. But respectful—that’s all I ask.
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