Saturday, December 24, 2016

The world is full of horror. So how can we hang on to hope?

From The Washington Post-

As a kid, the 24 hours leading up to Christmas were always the longest day of my life. Time fought to stand still, grudgingly giving way to the movement of the clock’s hands.

I wanted the day out of the way in time for the great vigil — an event I never stayed awake long enough to observe: the surreptitious delivery of presents by a visitor in the night.

Now, Advent, that four-week waiting period for Christmas, has assumed its rightful time and place in my adult life.

Advent comes with instructions that are often hard to follow: Slow down, be quiet and meditate on the real reason for the season; prepare for what’s to come.

Try doing that this tumultuous year.

Advent, which ends today, got started on Nov. 27 at my St. Mary’s Episcopal Church with a ceremonial lighting of “Hope,” the first of four candles on the Advent wreath.

More here-

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