Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, of the US based Episcopal Church, has paid tribute to a “growing” Anglican church in Hong Kong, during his first official visit to the Anglican Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
Bishop Curry said the strength of the Anglican church in Hong Kong and in the rest of Asia, reinforced his belief that relationships centered in the gospel are essential to missional partnerships:
“Christianity is growing here, Anglicanism is growing here in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a critical relationship in being in real relationship with Asia, and it’s clearly a relationship of equals and that becomes a model or a template for other relationships as well,” said Bishop Curry.
“The archbishop [Paul Kwong] is a leader in the Anglican Communion, a real statesmen, both in Asia and around the Communion,” said Bishop Curry. “Hong Kong represents, in many respects, the Anglican way of being in relationship and partnership having agreement on essentials, but creating space for disagreement on matters that are nonessential to the gospel itself.”
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