Tali Folkins writes for Anglican Journal:
The Rev. Jake Worley, an Alabama-born priest, has been elected bishop of the diocese of Caledonia.
Worley, rector of the Bulkley Valley Regional Parish, which includes three congregations in northern British Columbia, was elected on the eighth ballot of an episcopal election held in Prince Rupert Saturday, April 22, in what he described as a very Spirit-filled event.
“It was an amazing experience of the Holy Spirit,” he said. “He certainly came there and moved on our hearts. It was amazing. I don’t know what else to say besides we’re in many ways shocked, but also grateful, for his leading.”
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Worley is a graduate of Trinity School for Ministry and was ordained in the Episcopal Church in 2005. He founded a church that became part of the Anglican Church in North America, served as an interim rector at St. Martin’s Anglican Church in Fort St. John, British Columbia, served a year as a priest in the Church of Ireland, and most recently became rector in Bulkley Valley.
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