Jesus said; “call no man father on earth, for you have one Father, the one in heaven” (Matthew 23:9). Yet, in the Episcopal Church, which has ordained women as priests for more than 40 years – 40 years! – male priests are still often called “Father.” As a result, the church has not developed forms of address that work for both male and female priests.
I, who have been a priest for more than forty years, have been in so many settings over those years, and still today, where the male clergy are addressed as “Father Tom” or “Father Smith” and I am addressed as “Flora”. In truth, I prefer Flora, but just as much, I would want the men to be called Tom or Bob. What is communicated when male priests are addressed as Father and female priests are called by their first names?
Before I was ordained, before women could be ordained, and even after, what drew so many of us to ministry was the vision of a transformed church: a church that was less hierarchical and more egalitarian, that not only respected the laity, but empowered them. We prayed that, as women, we could help make those changes happen.
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