I am writing to you before there is no electricity here in Havana, it is twelve noon. The weather is deteriorating, the boardwalk is flooded. All night and dawn, the north coast. Many villages were slaughtered. We have news of Esmeralda, near to Cayo Romano in the province of Camaguey. The damage was enormous in the houses, as well as in agriculture. Many families are housed and the Civil Defense is working tirelessly in service to the people, as well as the Institute of Meteorology giving constant information by all means of how the trajectory is and urging them to continue with the discipline and responsibility that characterizes the Cuban people in all parts. Already brigades are being moved from the western electricians and all staff to the affected region.
The other places where we have communities are Camaguey, Esmeralda, Gloria, Manati, Tabor, Jiqui, Chaparra, Puerto Padre, San Manuel, Moron, Ceballos, Ciego de Avila, Florida, Florence and Perea. Surely it is expected in Santi Spiritus, Santa Clara, Rhodes, Cienfuegos, that there are many gusts of wind and abundant rain. Now there is a lot of work. As soon as something is cleared, on Monday or Tuesday I will go to those places carrying some food. And all that you can. We are also making an emergency plan to collect clothes and blankets, sheets and carry them.
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