The Anglican Communion is a wonder of balance, even though sometimes we seem like the Pushmi-Pullyu two headed beast of Dr. Doolittle’s Zoo. Not too Roman Catholic, not too Protestant. We love our sayings, such as “All may, none must, some should,” a perfect reflection of our theology, liturgy, and just about everything else.
The Daily Office readings leading up to Advent have been mostly pretty grim. The occasional flights of heartbreaking beauty in the vision of the throne of God in Revelation. But then there is Judgment Day, and the whore of Babylon. Even stripping “her” from the misogamy and saying Rome or the greedy world of today, it is still pretty nasty. The Old Testament lesson has been focused on wars and the struggle to regain Jerusalem after the exile, but also dire warnings about obeying every jot and tittle of the 613 commandments of the Jewish law. And the parables chosen tend to be the opaque ones.
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