Matt sent me this piece this morning. He’s much better about breezing around the internet while I’m still laboring to read that long Alastair article about how we don’t need any more female superheroes. When I get done with it maybe I’ll have something to say, but probably not because it’s So Long. This one was shorter, so it wins.
Long suffering readers of this blog will know that I have a special charism for complaining about the heresy of people like Jen Hatmaker, Rachel Held Evans, and Glennon Doyle Melton–the triumvirate celebrity bad lady teachers of our age. (The male triumvirate would be Joel Osteen, Steven Furtic, and Rob Bell.) I try not to go on about it too much, but it irritates me. The whole multimillion dollar machine that produces celebrity level Christians irritates me. But when those at the top commit gross heresy and decide to chuck two thousand years of biblically grounded church teaching for the shibboleth of the day, which conveniently makes them on the one hand even more beloved by the tidal force approbation of this current culture, and on the other hand let’s them play the victim card because of people like me protesting, that irritates me even more.
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