These are the very questions that I recently found myself struggling with as I tried to discern God’s will in knowing how best to respond, as the Bishop of Albany, to General Convention Resolution B012. After much thought, prayer and wrestling not so much with God, but with myself, I issued the Pastoral Letter which I believe the Lord called me to share. It has spread throughout the world touching the hearts and minds of people in ways that I never would have imagined. For many it was seen as an inspiration and encouragement, upholding the faith; for others, unfortunately, it was seen as a personal attack – something I never intended or wanted. K
As I write to you now, I don’t know what the future holds. There is a strong possibility that I may be facing Title IV disciplinary proceedings for my unwillingness to abide by General Convention Resolution B012. As I stated in the Pastoral Letter, it was “not out of mean-spiritedness, hatred, bigotry, judgmentalism, or homophobia” that I have taken the actions that I have, “but rather out of love – love for God and His Word; love for The Episcopal Church and wider Anglican Communion; love for each of you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, especially love for those who are struggling with same-sex attractions.” Whatever the outcome, I trust and believe that God will use it for His purposes and the benefit of His Church and people.
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