Bishop Kee Sloan, head of the Episcopal
Diocese of Alabama, kicked off Lent with an Ash Wednesday sermon at
Cathedral Church of the Advent that recalled his childhood vow to give
up brussel sprouts.
“When I was a kid,
for several years in a row, I gave up brussel sprouts for Lent,” Sloan
said. “And for me it was like it checked off a box. We never had brussel
sprouts. The few times we had them we were suspicious of them and
complained about them, so Mom fixed something else. I was well into my
fifties before I realized I really like brussel sprouts. Who knew?”
Sloan now thinks he may have missed the point.
we give up something that doesn’t touch us, then I don’t think we get
any credit for just checking something off a box,” Sloan said.
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