Charlie Crump a staple at General Conventions since 1958 decides to retire from the House at the age of 95. Charlie is a good guy and often fought for conservative causes. He's pictured in his infamous convention blazer. We'll miss you Charlie.
The 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be unlike the 17 that preceded it. Charles Metcalf Crump, 95, who has served as a deputy from the Diocese of West Tennessee at every General Convention since 1958, won't be serving, citing "age and future health" as reasons he decided against running for election to the 2009 event.
In an interview, Crump said that his desire to serve as a deputy "naturally arose" out of his lifelong involvement as a parishioner and his adult involvement in the Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee, which he eventually served as president.
Crump recalled his first General Convention more than 50 years ago. "It was in Miami Beach, and we were crowded into a little hotel room seated in folding chairs jammed together." Working conditions aside, the biggest surprise to him was the way in which resolutions were made. After a short oral summary, a vote was taken. Deputies did not know until the summary was presented what was going to be proposed, nor did they have a written record of what had happened the day before or what was on that day's agenda.
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