On November 1, about 60 people congregated at St Peter's Anglican Church at Oatlands in Tasmania and prayed for rain to help the state's farmers, the Hobart Mercury reports.
The response: above average rainfall for the month in most areas of the state.
Yesterday about 20 people met back at the church, thanking God for the rain and asking that he bless the state with more of the same.
As the sun shone down outside they sang, "Let it rain, open the floodgates of heaven, let it rain".
Within a few minutes the skies clouded over and it started pouring. They don't believe it was a fluke.
Organiser Anne Magnay says the power of prayer was working in front of their eyes.
"I firmly believe our prayers have been answered," Ms Magnay told the Hobart Mercury. "Within a week of our last meeting people were starting to say their tanks were full. Now we want to fill up the dams and the lakes too."
She said the November 1 meeting had been organised to respond to a bone-dry October.
The Bureau of Meteorology says most of Tasmania has less than a 50 per cent chance of exceeding the median rainfall this summer.
Hobart's long-term average rainfall is 622.4mm, but so far this year only 381.4mm have fallen.
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