Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori paid her first visit to the Pentagon on Tuesday, leading services with fellow Episcopalians and praying at the new memorial for those killed there in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
"It's powerful," she said of the memorial to 184 people who died when terrorists flew an airliner into the west side of the Pentagon. "It's a remarkable design that speaks about new life in the midst of death."
Jefferts Schori, who was an oceanographer before she pursued ordained ministry, particularly admired the trees and the running water that are part of the memorial's design. Maple trees are planted amid memorial stainless-steel benches that are inscribed with the names of each of the victims.
The presiding bishop recited a prayer from the church's Prayer Book for the Armed Services, which also was used by Episcopal chaplains in New York after terrorists struck the World Trade Center.
After visiting the memorial, Jefferts Schori led services for members of the Episcopal Church who work at the Pentagon. Prior to the service, Jefferts Schori said she would speak about John the Baptist and "how we use our voices."
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