The Bishop of Barbados reflects on Christmas. (It's overcast and 3o degrees here. Barbados is looking pretty good right now!)
We see in all of this all the traces of what it is to be human. We can identify with all the characters in the story. They are like us; frail mortal and human.
It is this acknowledgment that helps us to understand Christmas as God's greatest act of reaching out to humanity. And the mixture of human characteristics reflected in the Christmas story does not scare God away.
He becomes all wrapped up in our humanity with all its elements of frailty.
Christmas is a celebration of God's response to these difficult and sometimes frustrating human challenges. We too with His grace, can respond to all the challenges that we may be facing at this time in our lives.
But most of all let us reach out and help someone who may be dealing with a difficult challenge in their life at this time. Reach out and help. This may be the greatest gift you can offer them this Christmas. May God grant you a blessed Christmas and may His grace be with you each and every day of the coming year.
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