n the borrowed sanctuary of Lubbock's First United Methodist Church, a near capacity crowd of Episcopal clergy and laity welcomed the Rev. J. Scott Mayer as new bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas late Saturday morning.
Mayer is a 1992 graduate of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, and a 1977 graduate of Texas Tech University.
On Nov. 22, he was elected by a constitutional majority of electors inside the sanctuary of St. Paul's-on-the-Plains Episcopal Church in Lubbock.
The first ballot earned him 34 of the 47 clergy votes, but only 65 of the 141 votes cast by the lay electorate - six shy of the necessary majority. The results of the second ballot weren't even close: 38 votes from the clergy order, and 90 from the laity.
Four months later, the diocese celebrated in style, with a little help from the Methodists, because none of Lubbock's Episcopal churches are large enough to accommodate the 1,200 attendees.
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