St. Mark’s soup kitchen up and running
For some, a bowl of warm soup in the afternoon is enough to make the day – at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Yreka, that bowl is in the hands of the hungry, thanks in large part to the volunteer effort of Jeannette Amos and Mike Hood.
Hood explained that the program “feeds the hungry, homeless and less fortunate” with money raised from donations and fundraisers, as well as money out of pocket from Amos and himself.
“We feel we need to step up and help the community,” Hood said, adding that the soup kitchen, located in the St. Mark’s basement, serves on average 25 people per day, with greater numbers coming in out of the cold during winter.
For Amos, that typically means that her day starts at 9 a.m. to allow preparation and cooking time, and ends sometime around 5 p.m. when the last dishes have been put away and the kitchen is ready for the next day.
“I love to feed people,” Amos said, “I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
The soup is often only a warm, pleasant accompaniment to something more, according to Amos, who said that many times those who enter the basement do so looking for someone to pray with, which she is happy to do.
“You’d be amazed at how many hugs I get,” Amos said, noting that she has also found solace at the kitchen, serving others to help her get through some tough times.
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