Eight archbishops are meeting in closed-door session at a London hotel this week to review plans for the creation of a new Anglican Communion province to be known as the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).
Seven primates: Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi of Kenya, Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini of Rwanda, Presiding Bishop Gregory Venables of the Southern Cone, Archbishop Henry Orombi of Uganda; along with the Most Rev. Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney (Australia) began talks on April 14 at hotel near Heathrow airport.
Joining the archbishops in the three-day meeting are the Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, Bishop of Pittsburgh in the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone and the archbishop-designate of the ACNA; the Rt. Rev. Jack L. Iker, Bishop of Fort Worth in the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone; the Rt. Rev. Charles Murphy; the leader of the Anglican Mission in the Americas (AMiA); the Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns, Bishop of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America and one of his bishops suffragan, the Rt. Rev. David Anderson; the Rt. Rev. John Guernsey, Provincial Bishop Suffragan for the Anglican Church of Uganda; the Rt. Rev. Bill Atwood, Bishop of All Saints Diocese in the Anglican Church of Kenya; and the Rt. Rev. Don Harvey, leader of the Anglican Network in Canada.
Details of the meeting will be made public at a press conference on April 16, according to a spokesman for the archbishops, but participants told The Living Church the group, which is meeting as the GAFCON (Global Anglican Futures Conference) primates’ council, will discuss the formation and strengthening of the Fellowship of Confession Anglicans (FCA), the formation of the ACNA, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s proposed Anglican Covenant, and the on-going divisions within the Anglican Communion.
Seven primates? Only five are named. Jensen is not a primate.
Sloppy writing/editing/fact checking.
You need to repair your headline. Inexplicably, you have placed quotes around the word Bishops, not found in The Living Church headline.
I think The Living Church has it wrong. Several of those listed have been deposed and as far as I know none of the others are recognized by Canterbury. If the Lambeth Conference were held this year I don't think any of them would be invited.
Kendall Harmon+ yesterday posted a story from the Dallas Morning News with the headline on his post reading "Episcopal Church sues to regain control of Fort Worth-area buildings held by Anglican Group."
The actual DMN headline is "Episcopal Church sues to regain control of Fort Worth-area buildings held by breakaway group."
Jim+ has clarified. Kendall has misrepresented. Go complain to Kendall.
See http://www.kendallharmon.net/t19/index.php/t19/article/21862/
It's a matter of accuracy and courtesy. Every newspaper in the country refers to them as bishops, not "bishops". Perhaps you mean that they are not "Anglican Communion" bishops, but that is a totally separate issue. I note that you refered to Bishop Williamson, the schismatic SSPX bishop recently un-excommunicated by the Bishop of Rome (or by your usage, "Bishop" of Rome) without using quotes. Your headline regarding the new Orthodox bishop in Pittsburgh was not altered to read, Orthodox Church elects new "bishop". Your headlines still refer to Bishop Bennnison, not "Bishop" Bennison. If it is really your claim that in order to be validly termed a bishop one must be 1) recognized by Canterbury and 2) invited to Lambeth- then you need some consistency please.
Be careful what you ask for with the quotation marks.
I can see headlines that read "Anglican" Church in North America, or "A"CNA for short. Episcopalians do not need to play "Six Degrees of Separation" to identify as Anglicans in North America.
I'm also sure you can do better with your straw man arguments in regard to the former bishops. "Bishop" Duncan
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