The representatives of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) meeting here May 2-12 are considering whether to ask the member provinces of the worldwide communion of churches to sign onto the latest version of the proposed Anglican covenant.
After a 40-minute presentation May 4 by retired Province of the West Indies Archbishop Drexel Gomez, who headed the covenant drafting group, the representatives were given a draft resolution to guide their private discussions between now and May 8, when they are due to decide on a course of action. The resolution calls for sending the covenant out for adoption and asks provinces to report by December 2014 "on the progress made in the processes of adoption and response to the covenant."
The resolution came to the ACC representatives from the Joint Standing Committee of the ACC and the Primates, or leaders, of the communion's churches. That committee met in Kingston last week before the ACC meeting.
In presenting the resolution, Diocese of Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, primate of the Anglican Church of Australia, said, "Archbishop Drexel has left us with no doubt that there is no matter that will come before us this week that is more important than the question of the covenant," adding that a "solemn responsibility" had fallen on the ACC.
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