International Anglican Family Network
Resolved: 05.05.09
The ACC affirms the value of International Anglican Family Network's work to the Communion, particularly the publication of their newsletters, welcomes the network's proposal to hold a third regional consultation on family issues in Oceania in 2010 and urges Provinces to support this proposal in every way they can.
Le Réseau francophone de la Communion anglicane / Resolution of the Francophone Network of the Anglican Communion
Resolved: 05.05.09
(en français)
Le Conseil Consultatif Anglican demande au Comité Ad Hoc d'explorer les moyens d'encourager la traduction de travaux théologiques anglicans fondamentaux dans des langues autres que l'anglais ainsi que leur dissémination, de même que de soutenir la formation de professeurs pour les collèges théologiques de ces provinces et diocèses dont la langue nationale est autre que l'anglais.
(in English)
The ACC requests the JSC to explore ways of encouraging the translation of basic Anglican theological works into languages other than English, and their dissemination, as well as supporting the formation of teachers for the theological colleges of those provinces and dioceses whose national language is other than English.
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