From Williamsport PA-
The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States and 16 other countries expressed support for efforts to ensure health care is available for everyone in this country during a visit Sunday to Trinity Episcopal Church in the city.
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori acknowledged during her sermon that some parishioners have been critical of the support among church leaders for health care reform.
She said one church member wrote, "I go to church to feel safe, not to hear about politics."
But Schori suggested the Christian faith is about more than a life "without dread of disaster." It's also about continuing - even in the face of hostility - "to show others that we love them."
According to the bishop, "in this country, politics is how we change dysfunctional systems," and addressing issues such as national health care are appropriate for church members and and leaders.
"Taking up our cross is not always sweetness and light," she said, and the church's mission is to show how "God (can) bring new light out of the worst that the world can dig up."
In an interview after the service, Schori said Episcopalians "celebrate a diversity of opinion within the church" and their leaders traditionally have expressed opinions - among them that the death penalty is immoral.
"We believe that health care is a basic human right," she added. "He (Jesus) heals people."
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