From Melbourne Austrailia-
Anglicans have rallied to meet the needs of victims of natural disasters in Asia and the Pacific, with three appeals launched in recent days following the tsunami, typhoon and earthquake disasters.
AngliCORD, an overseas relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Australia, has made an urgent appeal for donations to assist victims of the tsunamis in Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga on 29 September that have claimed more than 150 lives and left thousands of others homeless.
Both Samoa and Tonga have declared a State of Emergency, with Samoa's National Disaster Council predicting that infrastructure damage would exceed $41 million. The tsunami, caused by an 8.0-magnitude undersea quake, is believed to have destroyed at least 20 villages, with many islanders now living in fear of landslides and disease.
The agency said on its website that it would be working closely with the Polynesian Diocese of the Anglican Church to ensure that AngliCORD’s response met the highest priority needs of the local population. Its focus would be on helping families in the region to rebuild their lives.
AngliCORD chief executive officer Misha Coleman said: “I’ve been told about children’s shoes being washed up on the shoreline and scattered through the debris.
“I picture that in my mind and think, ‘How can we not act?’ ”
Donations can be made at www.anglicord.org.au, by mail at AngliCORD, PO Box 139, East Melbourne Victoria 8002 or by phone, on freecall 1800-249-880 or (03) 9495-6100.
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