From Spero News-
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and four other bishops issued on October 5 a “Statement of Principles for Catholic-Jewish Dialogue.”
The cardinal and bishops also said in a letter that the June 18 document titled, “A Note on Ambiguities Contained in ‘Reflections on Covenant and Mission’” would be amended by removing two sentences that might lead to misunderstanding about the purpose of interreligious dialogue.
The Note addressed issues related to evangelization and the Jewish covenant that were discussed in an article written in 2002 by a group of Catholic scholars who were consultants to the USCCB and the National Council of Synagogues. Intended “as a clarification of Church teaching primarily for Catholics,” the Note “led to misunderstanding and feelings of hurt among members of the Jewish community,” the bishops said in their statement.
In addition to announcing the revision, the bishops also issued a Statement with Six Principles for Catholic-Jewish Dialogue that draw on Church teaching and Catholic understanding of the dialogue process. Among the principles is the acknowledgment that “Jewish covenantal life endures till the present day as a vital witness to God’s saving will for His people Israel and for all of humanity.” The bishops also affirmed the responsibility of Catholics to bear witness to Christ as “the unique savior of humankind.” At the same time, they noted that lived context shapes the form of that witness.
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