From the London Telegraph-
Just weeks after stepping down from his post as the Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, Paul Richardson crossed over to Rome.
He has moved from the north-east to London and is now a regular worshipper at St George’s Cathedral in Southwark.
However he denied his conversion was influenced by the Church of England’s move towards ordaining women bishops, which many traditionalists say is pushing them out.
Mr Richardson said: “I was received into full communion with the Catholic church in January.
“It’s nothing to do with the ordination of women, it’s really a journey I’ve been on for some time. It’s just like coming home.”
Ordained in 1972, he spent much of his ministry overseas and served as the Bishop of Aipo Rongo in Papua New Guinea from 1987 until 1995 and Bishop of Wangaratta in Australia for the following two years. He was Assistant Bishop of Newcastle from 1998 until the end of last year.
Last summer, he claimed that the dramatic fall in church marriages and baptisms suggested that Britain is no longer a Christian nation, and predicted the end of the Church of England as the established religion within a generation.
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