Letters to the NY Times-
To the Editor:
In his Feb. 8 Op-Ed article, “Have Faith in Love,” Eric Lax writes that the election of “the Rev. Mary Glasspool, a priest who has been in a committed relationship with another woman for more than 20 years, as a suffragan (assistant) bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, has brought added turmoil to the Episcopal Church in the United States and to the worldwide Anglican Communion.”
Later he adds, “In protest, several dozen parishes have aligned themselves with conservative Anglican bishops in Africa, and the Roman Catholic Church has offered to take in disaffected Episcopalians.”
I have read similar comments recently but never the other side of the story, which could easily read, “In protest of the Roman Catholic Church’s regression, many disaffected Catholics have aligned themselves with the Episcopal Church.”
As the associate for music ministry at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Danville, Calif., a fairly conservative town, I know a number of new parishioners who have joined our church in their quest for a traditional liturgy that does not refuse to enter the 21st century. The Episcopal Church continues to open its arms to people of any faith, age, economic status and sexual orientation who are seeking a meaningful relationship with God.
Raymond P. Parr II
Castro Valley, Calif., Feb. 8, 2010
To the Editor:
“Have Faith in Love” is an excellent illustration of why the Episcopal Church and all other liberal churches in America are in a state of serious decline. Liberal Christians have a remarkable talent for bending the Bible so that it will justify the prevailing anti-Christian moral and intellectual fashions of the day.
More here-
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