From The London Times-
The chaos of the Church of England's move towards consecrating women bishops is revealed in the statement the Bishop of Manchester will make to the General Synod tomorrow. Read the news story in The Times today. Articles of Faith has obtained a copy of this statement. In it he says:
'...proposals for a recognised society, some sort of transfer or vesting, or for adopting the simplest possible legislative approach all got initial amber lights, that is to say, we agreed to consider them further.. We then did some serious work on these models, particularly to tease out the pros and cons of the society model and to understand exactly what it might mean in terms of who exercised what jurisdiction and on whose authority.... The Revision Committee voted by a clear majority to reject the society option but, by a similarly clear majority to go for the transfer or vesting route....
...after more than six months work we had rejected all the options which would have involved conferring some measure of jurisdiction on someone other than the diocesan bishop. The legislation that the Revision Committee sends back to the Synod will, therefore, be on the basis that any arrangements that are made for parishes with conscientious difficulties about women’s ordination will be by way of delegation from the diocesan bishops. That much is already clear.'
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