From Christian Post-
The Archbishop of Dublin has expressed his fears that a “two-tier” Anglican Communion could emerge over different viewpoints on the recently released Anglican Covenant.
"I don't like two-tier fellowships, but it may be a way forward at the moment,” the Most Revd. John Neill told a theological discussion group in March.
Released last December to the church’s 34 provinces, the Anglican Covenant represents “an invitation to deepening of relationships” among the Communion’s members, according to the Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon, the church’s secretary general, who announced the document’s release.
“To covenant together is not intended to change the character of this Anglican expression of Christian faith,” the document states. “Rather, we recognise the importance of renewing in a solemn way our commitment to one another, and to the common understanding of faith and order we have received, so that the bonds of affection which hold us together may be re-affirmed and intensified.”
While a binding agreement, the Covenant is not intended to be “a constitution, and it's certainly not going to be a penal code for punishing people who don't comply,” according to Communion head the Rev. Rowan Williams.
However, disputes over The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) election of its second openly gay bishop last have caused doubts over whether the U.S.-based group, as well as the Anglican Church of Canada, will partake in the Covenant.
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