From The Living Church-
In searching for its 11th bishop, the Diocese of Springfield describes itself as “more conservative than liberal” philosophically and theologically, “although several parishes likely would describe themselves as more liberal.”
A survey included in the diocesan profile [PDF] reinforces that description, but with some unpredictable results.
The Rt. Rev. Peter H. Beckwith was the diocese’s 10th bishop from 1992 until February 2010. In addition to his diocesan duties, Bishop Beckwith served as vice president of the American Anglican Council and as chairman of the AAC Bishops Network.
The diocese’s election committee says 846 people completed the survey. That number “constitutes 40.61% of the diocese’s average Sunday attendance of 2,083 taken from the 2008 parochial reports.”
Under “Theological and Philosophical Ideals,” respondents gave highest priority to five ideals in a new bishop:
Has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Believes in the authority of Holy Scripture, the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and the 39 Articles.
Supports the Episcopal Church.
Promotes traditional Episcopal/Anglican teachings and the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
Will strive to heal and strengthen relationships within the diocese.
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