Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Early Retirment for Chuck Collins over crisis in church

May 19, 2010
Dear Christ Church family,

I am writing to inform you that I will be retiring as your rector September 1, 2010. With the encouragement and support of our wardens and vestry, I will not be returning after my sabbatical and vacation this summer. May 30 will be my last Sunday at Christ Church.
Nine years ago Clancy Wolliver called for the vestry and search committee to invite me to be your rector.

It was a dream come true, and Ellen, our children and I all felt it was God’s calling. Ministering among you at Christ Church has been the most spiritually demanding and fulfilling years of my 29 years as an Episcopal priest. Thank you for your amazing and generous support when my family and I needed you, for your patience when I failed you, and for your steadfast commitment to God and hisWord. It has been an honor to serve one of the really great congregations in The Episcopal Church.

For my failures and successes, I have loved you, the people of Christ Church.
I’m sure it will not surprise anyone that my decision to take early retirement is because of a crisis of conscience. Even though I was born and raised in The Episcopal Church, it has moved further and further away from the Gospel to which I committed my life and I have concluded that there is no future for me in this spiritual environment.

More here-


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