From Iowa-
After 4 1/2 years of the detailed process of becoming an Episcopal priest, Lyle Brown, Barbara Easley and Dr. James Kannenberg were finally ordained Sunday.
Then Brown and Easley had to resign.
Or at least submit their resignation, because 72 is the mandatory retirement age for the Episcopal Church and Brown is 73 and Easley 75.
But, Easley said, the Bishop of Iowa, the Right Reverend Alan Scarfe, does not have to accept their resignation. Scarfe likely will not, given that he was the one who ordained the three Fort Madison residents into the priesthood at an ordination ceremony Sunday afternoon at St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
The church has been without a priest for nearly five years since the Rev. Willa Goodfellow left. The small church could not afford to pay for a full-time priest, and, according to the Episcopal Church, only ordained priests are allowed to adminster the Eucharist (the bread and the wine for Communion). St. Luke's has had supply priests come in, but the process began back in 2005 to have local members become priests to fill that hole.
Goodfellow returned to welcome the first-ever Iowa team to go from start to finish in the ordination process. Another team in Iowa started but broke up and the members were ordained separately.
Also ordained Sunday as deacons were Marilyn Wentzien and Shelley Dowling. Alyce Lair was commissioned as the Parish Administrator for the church. They are now formally charged with doing duties they already had been for the past several years.
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