From The Church Times in England-
THERE were few surprises in the report, published last weekend, of the revision committee that has been dealing with the draft legisla tion for women bishops.
As the committee signalled at the last General Synod meeting in Feb ruary, no agreement has been possible on any provision for those opposed to the ordination of women beyond a Code of Practice.
On Saturday, the committee pro duced its final report of 142 pages, with a draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure. The report de scribes in detail the committee’s delib erations, together with the argu ments that produced the draft Measure.
In July, the General Synod will be able to debate the Measure line by line in the revision stage of the pro cess. The amended Measure will then be sent to the dioceses. It will need to be approved by a majority of the dioceses in order to return to the General Synod for final ap proval, which requires a two-thirds majority in all Houses of the Synod. The prediction is that 2014 is the earliest that a woman might be consecrated as a bishop.
The new arrangement
The Measure contains the bones of the new arrangement. The Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure of 1993, including resolutions A and B, is to be repealed. (These prevent a woman from presiding at holy com munion, and from being appointed as incumbent, respectively. Resolu tion C, to petition for extended episcopal oversight, was not in the Measure, but in the 1993 Act of Synod.)
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