From Staten Island-
Much of the roof blew off, and the bell tower took a beating, as did the steeple.
Now St. John’s Episcopal Church in Rosebank is one of four storm-damaged sites slated to submit initial claims by May 16 for federal public assistance, to offset repair costs triggered by the felled trees and flooding incurred in the March deluge that smacked Staten Island.
Homeowners are not eligible to receive aid under the disaster relief package submitted by Gov. David Paterson to the Obama administration. The president signed the order April 16 giving six New York counties — including Richmond — the ability to seek aid to rebuild damaged infrastructure and public facilities, with initial paperwork due within 30 days.
Representatives of Rep. Michael McMahon (D-Staten Island/Brooklyn) and state Sen. Andrew Lanza (R-Staten Island) attended a meeting Thursday at state Office of Emergency Management offices in Brooklyn to iron out details.
Patrick Hyland of McMahon’s office and Anthony Reinhart of Lanza’s office said the Staten Island Zoo, Sandy Ground Historical Society and Moravian Cemetery also will submit claims for tree and debris removal, and in the case of the Zoo, equipment damage.
The rest-
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