From Boston-
The Rev. George L. Blackman might have had a career on stage if he had not witnessed indignities heaped upon fellow Navy men by their captain during World War II.
He sang, he danced, he acted and played musical instruments and had told his son Harry of New Windsor, N.Y., that he might have taken an offer from Los Angeles film studios or perhaps become a teacher if not for his wartime Navy service aboard a supply ship with “an alcoholic and martinet captain very much like the one in the film, ‘Mister Roberts.’ ’’
“Dad really had to run the ship while also defending the crew and protecting their self-respect and dignity from the abusive actions of their captain,’’ his son said.
“For him, the evil of the war was abuse of power, exemplified, of course, by Germany and Japan, but he had also found it in the Navy,’’ Harry said. “I think the inspiration and driving force in his ministry was to fight back against abuse of power.’’
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