From Today's Post Gazette- The picture is "Nano" Chalfant-Walker a priest of the diocese and recent past president of the Standing Committee.
Wilkinsburg residents and friends sang and chanted all along the route of their peace march through the community on Monday morning.
"We'll begin with 'We Shall Overcome,' " the Rev. Thelma Mitchell said as the group started out from Church of the Nazarene on Peebles Street.
The song, one of the anthems of the American Civil Rights movement, seemed an appropriate choice. The event was held on the national holiday honoring the best known leader of that non-violent effort: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King would have turned 82 on Saturday and the event was named in his memory.
Organizers said the march took on added importance this year following the fatal shootings of four young people this fall. They included Jeron Grayson, the son of the Rev. Glenn Grayson. Rev. Grayson is a member of the Wilkinsburg Ministerial Association, which sponsors the annual event.
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