From Toledo-
In 2006, when Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori became the first woman to lead the 2.4 million-member Episcopal Church, the denomination was embroiled in a bitter controversy over the ordination of homosexuals and the blessing of same-sex unions.
Although some individuals and congregations have since left the denomination, tensions have eased somewhat in the 4 1/2 years since, Bishop Jefferts Schori said before the Winter Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio.
"Clearly, some people hold their positions as firmly as they ever have, but I think most everyone is recognizing that these aren't life or death issues for most people," she said in her first visit to the Toledo area since beginning her nine-year term.
The only places where the issue is literally a matter of life or death is in some parts of Africa, where governments have criminalized homosexuality, or in nations such as Pakistan with the "misapplication of legal codes," she said.
Of more concern to people in developing nations are basic survival issues such as having enough food to eat, combating malaria and other diseases, and avoiding the perils of war in one's own community. Jobs and the economy are also of primary concern worldwide, she said.
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