From Orlando-
Orlando Diocese Episcopal Bishop John W. Howe announced at the end of January his intention to retire in 2012, setting in motion the selection of his successor. Howe has served as the 15-county Diocese’s bishop since 1990.
The standing committee of four lay people and four clergy will oversee the selection process. They have established the following timetable:
February — The standing committee selects committees for the Diocean Profile (which establishes the criteria for the new bishop’s selection) and Transition Process.
March — A survey will be discritubed to members of the Diocese of Central Florida asking them what they want in a new bishop in terms of gifts, skills and vision.
April — Deans and presidents hold forums to gather more information on what qualities the next bishop should possess.
May — From the surveys and forums, a “Profile” is created of the kind of bishop the people of the Diocese desire
June — The Profile and nomination instructions are sent to Episcopal Convention delegates who serve, in effect, as the Search and Nominating Committees.
July-August — Nominations are submitted.
September-October – Background screenings of nominees are completed and the names of nominees are submitted to the electing Convention.
Nov. 19 – Delegates to the Convention elect a new bishop.
April 21, 2012 – The new bishop is consecrated and Howe officially retires.
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