From The Living Church-
Death among priests is a common experience in any diocese, but in late 2010 the Diocese of Maine lost two active priests within two weeks of each other. The Rev. Eckart Horn, 49, died of a heart attack Nov. 17, only a day after leading portions of an annual retreat for clergy. The Rev. Canon James P. Dalton-Thompson, 60, died Dec. 1, only 13 days after learning that he had colon cancer.
“Eckart was one of the young priests, so his death affected the diocese deeply,” said the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Bishop of Maine since 2008.
The death of Dalton-Thompson, rector of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin Church in Falmouth since 2005, affected the bishop still more, because the priest had played an important role during the transition to Lane’s episcopacy.
The bishop was on a retreat when he learned of Dalton-Thompson’s failing health. He left the retreat immediately to visit his colleague and friend.
“You don’t get a second chance at this,” the bishop told The Living Church about that moment. “If you sense that you should go, you’d better go. The moment will pass, and the person may pass as well.
“I was with James the day before he died, and we discussed what he wanted for his funeral,” he said.
The bishop wrote about the deaths on his weblog, Round Maine with Bishop Lane.
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