Thursday, June 23, 2011

Banal liturgies 'drove Anglicans away': theologian

From Catholic News- An ex-Anglican theologian said the new ordinariate expected next year would likely enhance the liturgical culture of the post-conciliar Catholic Church, reports the Record.

Dr Tracy Rowland, the author of Ratzinger's Faith: the Theology of Pope Benedict XVI and Benedict XVI: A Guide for the Perplexed, said many commentators have observed an affinity between the Anglo-Catholic approaches to liturgy and the Pope's own liturgical theology. "In particular, (Pope Benedict) is very concerned about what he has variously described as 'parish tea party' liturgy, 'pastoral pragmatism', 'emotional primitivism', 'Sacro-pop' and 'utility music'," Dr Rowland told an Anglican Ordinariate Festival in Melbourne on 11 June. Dr Rowland said that, in her personal experience, the barriers to full communion with the Catholic Church are primarily cultural rather than doctrinal.

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